bible study, Christocentric, martin luther, revelation, study

Revelation is the Scariest Book in the Bible

Revelation is the scariest book in the Bible, says almost everyone. I just mentioned the word to my high school Sunday school class, and life long, baptized-as-a-baby Christians shuddered at the name. I asked if anyone had actually studied the book before, and two kiddos who grew up in other church traditions sheepishly raised their… Continue reading Revelation is the Scariest Book in the Bible

advent, study, women

Another Christ-less Christmas? 5 Minute Advent Devotion

MARY Magdalene, John 20 Originally posted on It’s only a week away. Baking, wrapping, and packaging. Mailing, singing, and giving. Parties, church services, and family dinners. Frantically running, exhaustedly buying, tension and family stress is building. Everything is pointing to that final day, December 25, when we will culminate with cries of Christmas joy.… Continue reading Another Christ-less Christmas? 5 Minute Advent Devotion